
Making a translation is precision work and thus involves quite a process. Therefore, it is quite difficult to just determine a standard price for a translation; no text is completely the same. How fast a text can be translated depends, among other things, on genre, subject field, and the style and register the text is written in. For example, translating humour in texts is a nice challenge, but it does take more time than a manual for instance. Therefore, it is best you ask for a tailored quotation for the text you would like to have translated.


For proof reading and correction work I charge a price of 30 Euros per hour excl. VAT.


When submitting files or documents, many file extensions are possible. All file extensions of  Microsoft, Adobe, and Trados Studio are no problem at all. For all other file extensions it is best to contact me. In that case, I will be committed to try and find a solution.